Dive with sharks

Take the plunge…

Get your adrenaline pumping and take the plunge in one of the most thrilling animal encounters in Australia. Shark Dive Xtreme is a rare opportunity to get closer than ever to our incredible Grey Nurse Sharks, Port Jackson Sharks, Wobbegong Sharks, giant Stingrays, and many more amazing sea creatures… all without a cage!

SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium, 1-5 Wheat Road, Sydney, (02) 9333 9200, visitsealife.com


Museum of Sydney

For a snapshot of Sydney’s history, this museum tells stories about the people, places and culture of the city. The building’s architecture draws inspiration from the site’s history, weaving in remains of the inaugural Government House, circa 1788. Don’t miss ... Read more

Justice & Police Museum

Sydney’s first European settlers were mainly criminals transported from the UK, so the city has a colourful gangland history. Step back in time at this former police court and holding cells, to learn stories of the guilty and the innocent, ... Read more

Susannah Place Museum

Take a peek into the lives of the working-class families who called these four pocket-sized terrace houses home from 1844 onwards in The Rocks, Sydney’s oldest neighbourhood. See how they lived, worked, and played in tiny backyards, open wash houses, ... Read more

Australian National Maritime Museum

Open daily (except Christmas Day) the Maritime Museum offers free admission to the permanent exhibitions, special exhibitions, Maritime Heritage Centre at Wharf 7, the North Wharf and Marina to view the small fleet of historic vessels.