Art Gallery of New South Wales

If you only have the time to visit one major gallery, this is the leading museum of art in Sydney, with important collections of Australian, European and Asian art. See works by some of Australia’s most famous artists, including Brett Whiteley, John Olsen and Sidney Nolan. Don’t miss the architectural wonders of the new Sydney … Read more

Powerhouse Museum

Once a coal-fired power station that supplied Sydney’s new electric trams, this contemporary museum is now home to more than half a million objects of national and global significance in fashion, transport, innovation, the industrial revolution, and design. See architect Jørn Utzon’s original drawings for the Sydney Opera House, iconic fashion collections, steam engines, vintage … Read more

Australian Museum

Inside this landmark building is Australia’s very first museum, opened in 1857, and celebrating the natural history and culture of Australia and the Pacific. An excellent experience for families, permanent exhibitions include the famed Wild Planet and the thrilling Surviving Australia, with dinosaur skeletons and weird and wonderful creatures from the land down under.

Museum of Sydney

For a snapshot of Sydney’s history, this museum tells stories about the people, places and culture of the city. The building’s architecture draws inspiration from the site’s history, weaving in remains of the inaugural Government House, circa 1788. Don’t miss the intricate model of the 11 ships of the First Fleet.

Australian National Maritime Museum

Open daily (except Christmas Day) the Maritime Museum offers free admission to the permanent exhibitions, special exhibitions, Maritime Heritage Centre at Wharf 7, the North Wharf and Marina to view the small fleet of historic vessels.